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Peace through understanding

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Off to Face Book ..."Occupy urselves"

Greed is an inert characteristic of human nature and without the necessary checks and balances in place ya get what we have, massive imbalances in the economic system and the GOP stands in opposition to any financial regulation and even wants to roll back regulation Obama put in place after the melt down. 

As such, it can be assumed that  the Republican party is involved in the economic destruction of our country for the sake of profits while the "uniformed sheep" of the Republican party go along with their program by voting along party lines, though in fact, they will never see a dime from the pillaging of the national coffers. 

 At the current pace, the total  collapse of Capitalism is an inevitability.

The shame is that folks, like myself,  have to point out the obvious to other folks "so into" partying or a movie or a video game that they haven't a clue as to the real dangers at hand and won't know till it's all too late!

My humble suggestion is that folks "Occupy themselves" long enough to "Get it"...Lalepop


  1. great advice (to those partying and playing videos)

    too bad they're too busy with that shit to heed your warning.

  2. A few years ago a book "Whats the matter with Kansas" outlined how in this state the GOP twisted the logic and viewpoint of people until they voted against their own self interest. I have some nieces who have no insurance for them or their kids, go to a school that has so few books kids don't take them home (so no homework) and yet they vote repub and harp about high taxes and how much it costs the state to run the schools.
