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Peace through understanding

Thursday, July 19, 2012


As u know I've been taught that tolerance is the cornerstone of Peace, so I tolerate the "control freaks/plus they really don't get it folks of the world  because I seek Peace but this means by no means that I'm obligated to do as I'm told or even listen to what is being said, sometimes I do and some times I don't. I'm the proverbial seeker that found ....Pop'


  1. Yep. I get to make the choice to who I listen to and who I don't. I will also tolerate to a point. I will not tolerate intolerance.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pop,
    I have often wondered why many people seem to actively embrace intolerance. I wonder what they fear and the only answer I can find is that they fear looking within themselves.

    1. It is that way Mr O, some folks got off on the wrong foot and were exposed to the dark side of the imagination the abyss if u will and got the hell out of their head and it's not beyond reason to encourage folks to use their imagination anew once established on a firm loving foundation...leading off with the right foot gets ya to where u are. As long as there is a wrong foot someone is chosen to fill the role. Too bad it's not common knowledge because intolerance could be replaced with understanding...that's my take on it:0=) Regards Pop'
      PS: U shure have come a long way with ur writing as u should have, ur obviously a good guy! :=)))

  4. It is that way Mr O, some folks got off on the wrong foot and were exposed to the dark side of the imagination the abyss if u will and got the hell out of their head and it's not beyond reason to encourage folks to use their imagination anew once established on a firm loving foundation...leading off with the right foot gets ya to where u are. As long as there is a wrong foot someone is chosen to fill the role. Too bad it's not common knowledge because intolerance could be replaced with understanding...that's my take on it:0=) Regards Pop'
    PS: U shure have come a long way with ur writing as u should have, ur obviously a good guy! :=)))
