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Peace through understanding

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The GOP doing what it does the best!

Rumsfield and Cheney were members of "Team B" during the elder Bush term where assesments were made of Soviet power and the results were:

 For more than a third of a century, assertions of Soviet superiority created calls for the United States to "rearm."

 In the 1980s, the call was heeded so thoroughly that the United States embarked on a trillion-dollar defense buildup.

As a result, the country neglected its schools, cities, roads and bridges, and health care system.

 From the world's greatest creditor nation, the United States became the world's greatest debtor--in order to pay for arms to counter the threat of a nation "that was collapsing".

Needless to say there was money made from the tax payers dime....Lalepop'


  1. Pop:

    For years the political and military leaders of the United States were able to use fear to promote a military establishment that today spends more on the military-industrial complex than the rest of the world's forces combined. That era is coming to an end.

  2. Pop,
    And now the Chinese are ticked off. For that matter, so is much of the rest of the world. Putin called the US "a parasite".
